To everyone associated with the earthquake victims in eastern Japan We sincerely sympathy.

Everyone submitted to help us commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Association is deeply thank.


★ Climbing Schools
2012 Mountaineering School Students Wanted!

AGS-J climbing schools are opening. Enrollment there all the time. Is free monthly seminars held at the desk.
For more information, the following Training Climbing Source: click to download please visit the hunger.
-Completed tables and annual plans. We are looking for public participation at any time of the shot also.
DL Winter Training 2012, please click here.

Iku Mitoma Climbing School Principal

★ The revised version of manual “Chapter One - Theory of Guiding” has been published.
The above manual is available for the general mountain lovers and the professional guides.

Chapter I Theory of Guiding JPY3,500
Chapter II The Common Technique for Mountaineers JPY3,500
Chapter IV The Technique for Rescue (the fifth edition is available) JPY3,500

Please feel free contact us by e-mail if you are interested in the above publications or you may want to contact the mountain gear retail shops, such as Kamoshika Sports (the main shop, Matsumoto and Yokohama shops), ICI Ishii Sports, Kojitsu Sanso (Shinjuku Nishiguchi shop) and Ikebukuro Shuzanso.
(Only Japaneseversion is available for now)

AGS-J Technical Rescue Training and the Examination
Published in basic rescue techniques videos!
Since its start in 2003, technical training and rescue organizations will banknote eight-year history, from the regional exam, more relevant Fire and Safety, Defense, Coast Guard special maritime rescue party officials mountain climbers generally try to participate, we recognize that the demand from various quarters of the need for mountain rescue techniques.
Will be conducted to meet the expectations of everyone in its emphasis on quality content this year. Please see the workshops page of rescue.

Atsushi Katsuno affairs chief distress

AGS-J Guide to Training School
We raise student school guide!
Association as one of the project "Training Guide for Schools" has.
The guide thought school so as to obtain the maximum effect of technology on learning standards that guide our association with minimal effort and time in the candidate guide.
Association is climbing the French National Ski School in FY 1997 (E.N.S.A) we have a partnership and technology exchange. Since then, the latest technology in the Alps Guiding authentic guide learned rescue techniques, mentoring and guiding expertise.

Chairman Kazuhide Saito qualification

Hideo Yokoyama's spirited film, the movie "Climbers-Hai" Following the theatrical, DVD, Blu-ray release
Guides Association last year, Mt.Tanigawa Ichinokurasawa Tsuitateiwa Unryoukai No1 route I took to work at the director Masato Harada "Climbers-hai" has won every award, second only to theatrical-DVD and Blu-ray in Will be released.
Bureau of AGS-J
The Alpine Guide Society of Japan
Hachioji-city kuboyama-tyo1-9-154-708, Tokyo 192-0023 Japan
Telephone/Fax : +81 426-91-8313
Email [email protected]

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